Setup Autoblog to promote

3 min readJan 21, 2021

Hey travala people,

For the last 6 months I have been using automated social marketing to promote and wanted to make a resource that explains how others can do it as well.

In 6 months I have brought over 100 people to using this method and month over month the number of clicks keeps rising.

Not too bad for automated content.

So first off you’ll want to create an account for the Travala Affiliate platform here:

Next you’ll want to copy your travala affiliate link to a note pad because we’ll be using this in the next steps.

Create a social media page of your choice, great options are instagram, twitter, tumblr or even wordpress. Choice of social platform is based on your preference because this setup will work with any platform you choose.

You’ll want to create a username that reflects the type of content you’ll be posting. For Travala, you’ll obviously want to make a channel that relates to travel.

Now that you have your affiliate account and your social account(s), you’ll need content, and you’re probably thinking this is going to be a huge task, but it really is quite easy.

Create an account on to automate your content and also append your travala affiliate link to the content itself, so every time that a post is made, a link is also created.

Common sources of content that I use are top posts on reddit.
Make a list of your favorite travel related subreddits and create an image post every time a new post is moved into top of the day/week/month etc.

These are a few examples of ones I have tried. Find beautiful images that people want to see.

On you can setup 3 automations for free, so if you want more than 3, you can either pay for an upgraded account or more simply you can create multiple accounts, which is also very effective.

I’ll post the settings so you can see how I have set mine up and give you ideas on how you can set yours up.

Using this method I have posted 15 images per day, automatically and grown my social reach on tumblr.

You can see that I’ve included my affiliate link and masked it using a simple href tag (this is not always possible depending on the social page you use, but tumblr is cool like that)

If you found this guide helpful, please feel free to donate to support me and leave a clap or a comment below if you have any questions related to autoblogging to promote

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